INSULATION (Glass or Rock mineral fibre)
When buildings are at design stage they pursue key elements and factors of performance to the building fabric prior to construction.
Fire Performance – considers the risk of spread of flame which will help with the delay of the buildings collapse and structural stability allowing occupants held within the building the ability to escape from the building in the event of a fire. Mineral Fibre insulation materials offer a non-combustible solution and achieve the highest level as Euroclass A1 ‘Reaction to Fire’ as a rating measured under compliance set out in the BS standards EN 13501.
Thermal Performance – mineral fibre insulation helps maintain a stable temperature and environment within a building and slowing the process of heat transfer by convection, conduction and radiation. The product ranges available help with designs to accommodate the demands placed on structures with these large temperature differences between the inside and the outside of a building structures i.e. prevention of losing heat in the cold weather months and gaining heat transfer within the warmer months and considering the demands of conserving energy with buildings accounting for circa 40% of our total energy consumption it is paramount to have suitable and cost effective solution, this being gained with mineral fibre insulation products and your considered design choice of insulation.
Acoustic Performance – if we consider all of the building types within the built environment and the internal areas created within our busy life styles, offices, hospitals, schools, non-domestic buildings the protection from noise pollution is paramount in supporting and contributing towards a better and healthier lifestyle supporting productivity and enjoyment within workplaces etc, to its occupants and users. Glass and Rock Mineral Wool insulation materials offer excellent levels of sound absorption compared to other insulation materials, which also makes them ideal for use in walls, floors and partitions within modern buildings and the key structural building fabrics. Glass and Rock mineral wool products can help building designers and specifiers to achieve compliance with Approved Document E of the Building Regulations in England and Wales, Technical Handbook, Section 5 for Scotland and Technical booklets G and G1 for Northern Ireland.
Separate to the above key design performance criteria we have available for your initial information some technical and product information PDF file downloads, and we would reiterate we stock and have access to all the mainstream manufacturers and any additional information can be provided at your request.

Knauf Insulation Downloads
Ursa Insulation Downloads
Please note:
We have tried to provide information on our website mainly for technical and product specific purposes. To our knowledge this information is current but we are always reliant on the various manufacturers keeping us informed of any changes or updates where applicable. Can we ask that for any specific help or assistance that you either make contact with our office and or visit our trade counter showroom were one of our team members who are solely focused on providing expert advice for your project and specification needs will be pleased to help!